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May 7, 20201 min read
Tipos de Avisos de USCIS
¿Qué sucede después de enviar mi solicitud? “A veces, inmigración le solicitara más información para juzgar adecuadamente su caso."...
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May 7, 20201 min read
Types of Notices from USCIS
What happens after I submit my application? “This is not always the case but sometimes you might receive a 'Request for Evidence'...
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Mar 27, 20201 min read
Tarifas del Gobierno
¿Cuando debo pagar por la tarifa del gobierno? “Realmente, la tarifa del gobierno se debe de pagar antes de mandar la aplicación.”...
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Mar 27, 20201 min read
Filing Fees
When should I pay for my filing fee? “Essentially you want to pay for your filing fee before your signing meeting.” Our office manager,...
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Mar 6, 20201 min read
El Futuro de DACA
¿Qué va pasar con DACA? “Estamos recomendando si tiene un caso de DACA, sencillo, que vaya a renovarlo ya.” Kelly, una de nuestras...
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Mar 6, 20201 min read
The Future of DACA
What's going to happen to DACA? “It's in many people's best interest to apply to renew the DACA that they currently have as soon as...
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Feb 27, 20201 min read
Address History
How far back should I keep track? “The Department of State requires all your addresses since the age of 16.” Lory, one of our attorneys,...
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Feb 13, 20201 min read
How do I schedule a consultation with RIG? “We do ask that you make a payment of $225.” Angelo, our legal receptionist, talks about how...
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Feb 6, 20201 min read
¿Inmigración está aumentando las tarifas del gobierno?
¿Cuales tarifas del gobierno están aumentando y qué debo hacer? “La solicitud para la ciudadania va subir a $1,170.” Kelly, una de...
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Feb 6, 20201 min read
Are immigration filing fees increasing?
Which filing fees are increasing and what should I do? “Naturalization applications are proposed to go from $640 to $1,170, which is an...
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Jan 30, 20201 min read
¿Qué es un examen médico?
¿Cuándo tengo que hacerlo? “Tendrá que ver un médico designado por inmigración. No puede ver a cualquier médico.” Christine, una de...
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Jan 30, 20201 min read
What is a medical exam?
When do I have to take it? “You're going to have to see a doctor that is appointed by USCIS. You can't just see any old doctor.” One of...
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Jan 23, 20201 min read
Cómo Pagar un Caso Fijo
¿Qué opciones tengo para pagar mi caso fijo? “Le ofrecemos un plan de pago.” Nuestra gerente de oficina, Marisol, explica dos opciones...
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Jan 23, 20201 min read
How to Pay for a Flat Fee Case
What payment options do I have for my flat fee case? “We do have a payment plan option for you.” Our office manager, Marisol, explains...
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Jan 16, 20201 min read
Court Tips for Removal Cases
What are the top 3 things I need to know before going to court? “Not going to court could mean an order of deportation.” One of our...
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Jan 16, 20201 min read
Consejos Judiciales para Casos de Deportación
¿Cuáles son las 3 cosas principales que necesito saber antes de ir a la corte? “Si no va a la corte, le pueden dar una orden de...
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